Clinical Genetics Codes

The Clinical Genetics Code Package includes 64 commonly billed services at a fraction of the cost of purchasing individual codes. Code packages are available for both monthly and annual subscription plans, with monthly updates provided for subscribers.

View the table below to see individual code descriptions.

Code Classifications and Descriptions

CategoryCategory DescriptionBilling CodeCode Description
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81201APC GENE ANALYSIS FULL GENE SEQUENCE
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81203APC GENE ANALYSIS DUPLICATION/DELETION VARIANTS
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81220CFTR GENE ANALYSIS COMMON VARIANTS
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81228CYTOG ALYS CHRMOML ABNOR COPY NUMBER VRNT CGH
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81229CYTOG ALYS CHRMOML ABNOR CPY NUMBER&SNP VRNT CGH
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81240F2 GENE ANALYSIS 20210G >A VARIANT
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81241F5 COAGULATION FACTOR V ANAL LEIDEN VARIANT
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81243FMR1 GENE ALYS EVAL TO DETECT ABNORMAL ALLELES
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81244FMR1 GENE ANALYSIS CHARACTERIZATION OF ALLELES
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81245FLT3 GENE ANALYSIS INTERNAL TANDEM DUP VARIANTS
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81247G6PD GENE ANALYSIS COMMON VARIANTS
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81250G6PC GENE ANALYSIS COMMON VARIANTS
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81252GJB2 GENE ANALYSIS FULL GENE SEQUENCE
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81253GJB2 GENE ANALYSIS KNOWN FAMILIAL VARIANTS
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81400MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY PROCEDURE LEVEL 1
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81401MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY PROCEDURE LEVEL 2
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81402MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY PROCEDURE LEVEL 3
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81403MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY PROCEDURE LEVEL 4
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81404MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY PROCEDURE LEVEL 5
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81405MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY PROCEDURE LEVEL 6
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81406MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY PROCEDURE LEVEL 7
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81407MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY PROCEDURE LEVEL 8
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81408MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY PROCEDURE LEVEL 9
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81410AORTIC DYSFUNCTION/DILATION GENOMIC SEQ ANALYSIS
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81415EXOME SEQUENCE ANALYSIS
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81416EXOME SEQUENCE ANALYSIS EACH COMPARATOR EXOME
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81417EXOME RE-EVAL OF PREVIOUSLY OBTAINED EXOME SEQ
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81425GENOME SEQUENCE ANALYSIS
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81426GENOME SEQUENCE ANALYSIS EACH COMPARATOR GENOME
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures81427GENOME RE-EVALUATION OF PREC OBTAINED GENOME SEQ
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures88230TISS CUL NON-NEO DISORDERS LYMPHOCYTE
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures88233TISS CUL NON-NEO DISORDERS SKN/OTH SOLID TISS BX
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures88235TISS CUL NON-NEO DISORDERS AMNIOTIC/CHORNC CELLS
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures88237TISS CUL NEO DISORDERS BONE MARROW BLOOD CELLS
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures88239TISS CUL NEO DISORDERS SOLID TUMOR
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures88245CHRMSM BREAKAGE BASELINE SISTER 20-25 CLL
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures88248CHRMSM BREAKAGE BASELINE BREAKAGE 50-100 CLL
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures88249CHRMSM BREAKAGE SYNDS SCORE 100 CLL
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures88261CHRMSM COUNT 5 CELL 1KARYOTYPE BANDING
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures88262CHRMSM COUNT 15-20 CLL 2KARYOTYP BANDING
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures88263CHRMSM COUNT 45 CELL MOSAICISM 2KARYOTYPE
Clinical GeneticsPathology and Laboratory Procedures88264CHRMSM ANALYZE 20-25 CELLS
Clinical GeneticsMedicine Services and Procedures96040MEDICAL GENETICS COUNSELING EACH 30 MINUTES
Clinical GeneticsEvaluation and Management99203OFFICE/OUTPATIENT NEW LOW MDM 30 MINUTES
Clinical GeneticsEvaluation and Management99204OFFICE/OUTPATIENT NEW MODERATE MDM 45 MINUTES
Clinical GeneticsEvaluation and Management99205OFFICE/OUTPATIENT NEW HIGH MDM 60 MINUTES
Clinical GeneticsEvaluation and Management99211OFFICE/OUTPATIENT EST PT MAY NOT REQ PHYS/QHP
Clinical GeneticsEvaluation and Management99212OFFICE/OUTPATIENT ESTABLISHED SF MDM 10 MIN
Clinical GeneticsEvaluation and Management99213OFFICE/OUTPATIENT ESTABLISHED LOW MDM 20 MIN
Clinical GeneticsEvaluation and Management99214OFFICE/OUTPATIENT ESTABLISHED MOD MDM 30 MIN
Clinical GeneticsEvaluation and Management99215OFFICE/OUTPATIENT ESTABLISHED HIGH MDM 40 MIN
Clinical GeneticsEvaluation and Management99241Office consultation for a new or established patient that requires these three key components: a problem-focused history; a problem-focused examination; and straightforward medical decision-making
Clinical GeneticsEvaluation and Management99242OFFICE/OP CONSLTJ NEW/EST PT SF MDM 20 MINUTES
Clinical GeneticsEvaluation and Management99243OFFICE/OP CONSLTJ NEW/EST PT LOW MDM 30 MINUTES
Clinical GeneticsEvaluation and Management99244OFFICE/OP CONSLTJ NEW/EST PT MOD MDM 40 MINUTES
Clinical GeneticsEvaluation and Management99245OFFICE/OP CONSLTJ NEW/EST PT HIGH MDM 55 MINUTES
Clinical GeneticsEvaluation and Management99421ONLINE DIGITAL E/M SVC EST PT <7 D 5-10 MINUTES
Clinical GeneticsEvaluation and Management99422ONLINE DIGITAL E/M SVC EST PT <7 D 11-20 MINUTES
Clinical GeneticsEvaluation and Management99423ONLINE DIGITAL E/M SVC EST PT <7 D 21+ MINUTES
Clinical GeneticsEvaluation and Management99441PHYS/QHP TELEPHONE EVALUATION 5-10 MIN
Clinical GeneticsEvaluation and Management99442PHYS/QHP TELEPHONE EVALUATION 11-20 MIN
Clinical GeneticsEvaluation and Management99443PHYS/QHP TELEPHONE EVALUATION 21-30 MIN
Clinical GeneticsHCPCSS0265Genetic counsel 15 mins

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