Sleep Medicine Codes

The Sleep Medicine Code Package includes 53 commonly billed services at a fraction of the cost of purchasing individual codes. Code packages are available for both monthly and annual subscription plans, with monthly updates provided for subscribers.

View the table below to see individual code descriptions.

Code Classifications and Descriptions

CategoryCategory DescriptionBilling CodeCode Description
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures94010SPMTRY W/VC EXPIRATORY FLO W/WO MXML VOL VNTJ
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures94060BRNCDILAT RSPSE SPMTRY PRE&POST-BRNCDILAT ADMN
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures94375RESPIRATORY FLOW VOLUME LOOP
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures94660CPAP VENTILATION CPAP INITIATION&MGMT
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures94662CONTINUOUS NEGATIVE PRESSURE VENTJ INITIAT&MGM
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures94726PLETHYSMOGRAPHY LUNG VOLUMES W/WO AIRWAY RESIST
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures94729CO DIFFUSING CAPACITY
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures94760NONINVASIVE EAR/PULSE OXIMETRY SINGLE DETER
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures94761NONINVASIVE EAR/PULSE OXIMETRY MULTIPLE DETER
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures94762NONINVASIVE EAR/PULSE OXIMETRY OVERNIGHT MONITOR
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures95782POLYSOM <6 YRS SLEEP STAGE 4/> ADDL PARAM ATTND
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures95783POLYSOM <6 YRS SLEEP W/CPAP/BILVL VENT 4/> PARAM
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures95800SLP STDY UNATND W/HRT RATE/O2 SAT/RESP/SLP TIME
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures95801SLP STDY UNATND W/MIN HRT RATE/O2 SAT/RESP ANAL
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures95803ACTIGRAPHY TESTING RECORDING ANALYSIS I&R
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures95805MLT SLEEP LATENCY/MAINT OF WAKEFULNESS TSTG
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures95806SLEEP STD AIRFLOW HRT RATE&O2 SAT EFFORT UNATT
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures95807SLEEP STD REC VNTJ RESPIR ECG/HRT RATE&O2 ATTN
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures95808POLYSOM ANY AGE SLEEP STAGE 1-3 ADDL PARAM ATTND
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures95810POLYSOM 6/>YRS SLEEP 4/> ADDL PARAM ATTND
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures95811POLYSOM 6/>YRS SLEEP W/CPAP 4/> ADDL PARAM ATTND
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures95819ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM W/REC AWAKE&ASLEEP
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures95925SHORT-LATENCY SOMATOSENS EP STD UPR LIMBS
Sleep MedicineMedicine Services and Procedures95926SHORT-LATENCY SOMATOSENS EP STD LWR LIMBS
Sleep MedicineEvaluation and Management99202OFFICE/OUTPATIENT NEW SF MDM 15 MINUTES
Sleep MedicineEvaluation and Management99203OFFICE/OUTPATIENT NEW LOW MDM 30 MINUTES
Sleep MedicineEvaluation and Management99204OFFICE/OUTPATIENT NEW MODERATE MDM 45 MINUTES
Sleep MedicineEvaluation and Management99205OFFICE/OUTPATIENT NEW HIGH MDM 60 MINUTES
Sleep MedicineEvaluation and Management99211OFFICE/OUTPATIENT EST PT MAY NOT REQ PHYS/QHP
Sleep MedicineEvaluation and Management99212OFFICE/OUTPATIENT ESTABLISHED SF MDM 10 MIN
Sleep MedicineEvaluation and Management99213OFFICE/OUTPATIENT ESTABLISHED LOW MDM 20 MIN
Sleep MedicineEvaluation and Management99214OFFICE/OUTPATIENT ESTABLISHED MOD MDM 30 MIN
Sleep MedicineEvaluation and Management99215OFFICE/OUTPATIENT ESTABLISHED HIGH MDM 40 MIN
Sleep MedicineEvaluation and Management99358PROLNG E/M SVC BEFORE&/AFTER DIR PT CARE 1ST HR
Sleep MedicineEvaluation and Management99359PROLNG E/M BEFORE&/AFTER DIR CARE EA 30 MINUTES
Sleep MedicineEvaluation and Management99421ONLINE DIGITAL E/M SVC EST PT <7 D 5-10 MINUTES
Sleep MedicineEvaluation and Management99422ONLINE DIGITAL E/M SVC EST PT <7 D 11-20 MINUTES
Sleep MedicineEvaluation and Management99423ONLINE DIGITAL E/M SVC EST PT <7 D 21+ MINUTES
Sleep MedicineEvaluation and Management99441PHYS/QHP TELEPHONE EVALUATION 5-10 MIN
Sleep MedicineEvaluation and Management99442PHYS/QHP TELEPHONE EVALUATION 11-20 MIN
Sleep MedicineEvaluation and Management99443PHYS/QHP TELEPHONE EVALUATION 21-30 MIN
Sleep MedicineHCPCSA7027Combination oral/nasal mask
Sleep MedicineHCPCSA7028Repl oral cushion combo mask
Sleep MedicineHCPCSA7029Repl nasal pillow comb mask
Sleep MedicineHCPCSA7030Cpap full face mask
Sleep MedicineHCPCSA7031Replacement facemask interfa
Sleep MedicineHCPCSA7032Replacement nasal cushion
Sleep MedicineHCPCSA7033Replacement nasal pillows
Sleep MedicineHCPCSE0601Cont airway pressure device
Sleep MedicineHCPCSG0398Home sleep test/type 2 porta
Sleep MedicineHCPCSG0399Home sleep test/type 3 porta
Sleep MedicineHCPCSG0400Acute disseminated encephalitis and encephalomyelitis, unspecified
Sleep MedicineHCPCSG0400Home sleep test/type 4 porta

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