
Purpose-Based Marketing For Life Sciences and High-Tech Brands

Top tips for avoiding random acts of marketing.

Every marketing activity that a brand takes on should be aligned with its strategic goal. A purpose-driven brand intentionally puts its ‘why’ at the forefront of everything it does in order to avoid random acts of marketing. When the team strays from the strategic goal, the result is wasted opportunities and drained resources.

It’s important to understand your performance in a way that supports the brand’s strategic goal. One trap that organizations can fall into is reporting vanity metrics. These metrics may look good to others, but they aren’t actionable or related to anything you can control or repeat in a meaningful way. And if your company is a startup, these metrics are an especially appealing trap because investors want proof of overwhelming growth. As an example, 10K total registered accounts might seem like an impressive stat to report, but that number will lose value quickly if there are only 100 active monthly users.

How can your team stay aligned with your organization’s strategic goal?

At HexIQ we specialize in purpose-based marketing, where each marketing activity is designed to inform future actions that convert your organization’s strategic objective into reality. Let’s put your marketing strategies to work.

Find out how we can work together to identify and document the best marketing plays you can run to get to the next level in the next 90 days. Whether you’re looking to reduce spend or optimize conversions, a personalized marketing playbook is your next best step.