
How to Implement Digital Marketing Automation

Digital marketing automation is a combination of software, strategy, and customer-focused interactions. It streamlines processes and enables marketers to work more efficiently. In this way, prospects are nurtured with highly personalized, useful content that delights. Prospects become leads who turn into customers and loyal brand advocates.

  1. To implement marketing automation, start with your marketing strategy. Software and automation flow should be intentional and align with this strategy to prevent random acts of marketing
  2. Once you identify goals and prioritize your digital events, consider how you want to move the customer from touchpoint to touchpoint. Identify those touchpoints that could benefit from marketing automation and build processes that ease the prospect through their customer journey. 

The point of automation is to break down silos and unite teams with processes that are scalable and save time.

Furthermore, it reduces wasted resources by preventing duplicated effort across teams. Combined with intentionally placed human interaction, marketing automation can significantly improve growth.

  1. Choose your marketing automation software and integrate with a CRM. There is a lot of software designed for different automation functions. Some examples include email automation, content scheduling, and chatbots for common product questions. By selecting a CRM that integrates with your marketing automation software, every action the customer takes is tracked as another data point. 
  1. Use these data points to connect customers to the next step of their journey – whether that’s educational content, a salesperson, or a customer success check-in. The benefit of marketing automation is being able to use this white-glove approach with thousands of customers at a time.

A great marketing automation strategy gets your teams in sync by prioritizing tasks and making hand-offs a breeze. Contact records can be owned by the marketing team until the lead is warm and ready to be contacted by sales, at which point automation assigns and notifies the sales rep. When the customer purchases, customer success is notified, and can see all the past conversations and actions taken by the customer on their way to the sale. Not only is the process seamless and efficient, but it also builds a long-term relationship between the customer and the business.

Need help selecting the right automation, or integrating it for replicable results? Our team can help with that.

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